Wyze doorbell teardown, part 1

Wyze doorbell parts list

We frequently work with clients who have high-tech products that need to be waterproof. Waterproofing a device that is wired and full of expensive electronics is no easy task, which is what motivated us to take a peek at the inner workings of the Wyze Video Doorbell.

Wyze video doorbell

We wanted to scope it out from a mechanical and electrical POV, to see what clever, interesting, or unusual design choices were made. Throughout this teardown, whenever we come across something cool, we ask: Why did they decide to do this? What are the pros and cons of this approach? Do we agree with their rationale?

For part one, we focus on the housing, looking independently at the front and rear housing and calling out four cool features that caught our attention. Tune in for part two next week when we deep dive into the electronic components.

For our fellow engineers and product designers reading along, we hope you find our approach insightful. Let us know what product you think we should teardown next!

Dive into the Wyze teardown










Product Teardowns
Sam Holland

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