SimpliSafe Motion Sensor teardown

Doing teardowns on more than one product from a product line is so interesting because you start to see the commonalities and differences, offering a window into each product’s design strategy. We started looking at the SimpliSafe line with our Water Sensor teardown, particularly intrigued by how they sealed up the battery compartment while still detecting water on the underside of the product. We then moved on to investigate the well-designed simplicity of the Temperature Sensor. Each product kept our interest with unexpected cool features and curious design decisions, so this week our teardown is of the SimpliSafe Wireless Motion Sensor, which boasts the ability to tell the difference between people and pets.

We applaud their fastener-free housing assembly and found shapes in the housing that made us wonder if the original design had screws. The tiny Fresnel lens was our favorite cool feature! It would be neat to find out the order in which they designed these products, to further shed light on their design choices.

Check out the SimpliSafe Motion Sensor teardown

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Sam Holland

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